Do you have a natural gas well on your property? Is electricity overly expensive? Are you tired of the annoying noise the compressor and fan on your electric refrigerator produces? Are you EMF intolerant? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then a natural gas refrigerator may be just the thing you need. This technology has been around for nearly 100 years and was very common in households during the 1950’s. It has since faded from the household due to the abundance of electricity, but has continued to be the system used in Recreation Vehicles.
Considering that an electric refrigerator is the largest energy hog within a normal household, using a natural gas refrigerator can save you hundreds of dollars per year. Some properties include a natural gas well and for those lucky enough to own one, a natural gas refrigerator is the best way to go since it would cost nothing to operate. Other households are experiencing sky rocketing electricity prices. Eliminating the electric refrigerator is the single appliance that can lower your electricity cost the most. Compare your electricity rate of 1800 watts per day to the cost of a natural gas refrigerator consumption of 1200 BTU per hour of gas usage.
The noise of an electric refrigerator fan and compressor can be quite annoying and for those that are Electro Magnetic Field intolerant, a gas refrigerator can be a great relief. There are no moving parts on a gas fridge which translates into silent operation in addition to less maintenance and no parts to break down. These units are completely non electric. The refrigeration is produced by an absorption system that uses heat, pressure, and gravity to create the movement of the refrigerant. The EZ Freeze brand gas refrigerator includes no motors, compressors, fans, or circuit boards. The EZ Freeze brand is made specific for household use whereas the RV refrigerator models are not. Even though some people elect to use these RV models in the house, they do require electricity to operate them from gas and incorporate circuit boards, electronic igniters, and solenoids.
Gas refrigerators operate from either natural gas or propane gas and can be easily converted to one or the other with the change of only a couple parts. Usually taking only a few minutes for the conversion. The big difference in these two types of gas is in how the gas arrives to the refrigerator. Natural gas is generally piped in from an off property source such as a local gas company through their own metering system. Some lucky few do have natural gas wells on their properties without outside metering. This source requires a constant flow from the supplier or well. Propane is a liquid gas that is stored in tanks and is generally trucked and pumped into a storage tank located on the property. In this case the energy is “stored” and can be used full time or just in case of emergencies or natural disasters.
Too some a natural gas refrigerator can be a great alternative and to others it can be necessary for survival.